
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My Birth Plan

 Originally posted in 2011 at Plus Size Preggo

* I’d like the following people to be present during labor and/or birth: My husband, my sister, and my mother.

* I’d like to wear my own clothes during labor and delivery.

* I’d like to take pictures and/or video during labor and delivery.

* I’d like the option of returning home if I’m not in active labor.

* Once I’m admitted, I’d like my partner to be allowed to stay with me at all times.

* Once I’m admitted, I’d like to eat if I wish to.

* Once I’m admitted, I’d like to try to stay hydrated by drinking clear fluids instead of having an IV.

* Once I’m admitted, I’d like to walk and move around as I choose.

* As long as the baby and I are doing fine, I’d like to have intermittent rather than continuous electronic fetal monitoring.

* As long as the baby and I are doing fine, I’d like to be allowed to progress free of stringent time limits and have my labor augmented only if necessary.

* If available, I’d like to try a birthing ball, birthing stool, squatting bar, and/or a birthing tub/pool.

* I’d like to try the following pain-management techniques: bath/shower, hot/cold therapy, massage.

* Please don’t offer me pain medication. I’ll request it if I need it.

* If I decide I want medicinal pain relief, I’d prefer regional analgesia (an epidural and/or spinal block).

* When it’s time to push, I’d like to be coached on when to push and for how long.

* I’d like to try the following positions for pushing (and birth): semi-reclining, squatting, hands and knees, whatever feels right at the time…

* During delivery, I’d like to give birth without an episiotomy.

* After birth, I’d like to hold my baby right away, putting off any procedures that aren’t urgent.

* After birth, I’d like to breastfeed as soon as possible.

* After birth, I’d like not to get oxytocin (Pitocin) after I deliver the placenta unless it’s necessary.

* After birth, I’d like my partner to cut the umbilical cord.

* If I have a c-section, I’d like my partner present at all times during the operation.

* If I have a c-section, I’d like the baby to be given to my partner as soon as he’s dried, if appropriate.

* If I have a c-section, I’d like to breastfeed my baby in the recovery room.

* I’m planning to bank cord blood privately.

* After delivery, I’d like all newborn procedures to take place in my presence.

* After delivery, I’d like my partner to stay with the baby at all times if I can’t be there.

* I’d like 24-hour rooming-in with my baby.

* I plan to breastfeed EXCLUSIVELY.

* Do not offer my baby: formula, sugar water, a pacifier.

* I do NOT want my baby circumcised.

* I’d like to wait and see how I feel before deciding about the timing of hospital discharge.

I’ m sure a lot of these won’t be do-able (I’m looking at YOU, eating during labor and no IV!) but I’m going to take this to my OB appointment tomorrow and talk everything over with my doctor to see what I am willing to compromise and what MUST be.

(This nifty PDF was a big help in articulating just what I wanted during my labor and delivery.)

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