
Friday, January 31, 2014

Guest Post - "A Breech Birth at Home"

I remember the first time I even heard about breach births. It was in one of my high school textbooks and it sounded scary. A couple years later I watched a documentary about “freebirthing.” One woman gave birth to her baby in the bath tub completely on her own, and the baby was breach. The baby was fine though. I remember thinking, “Is she crazy?! Her baby could have died!” Fast forward many years later... I’m already a mama of one precious boy, born in a hospital but with no drugs whatsoever. I’m pregnant with a baby girl and have decided that since I had such an easy time with my first labor that I’m going to go for a home birth. It’s funny how time and research can change your mind about anything. I never imagined as a teenager that I would be one of those women giving birth at home.

 As the time to give birth came closer and closer I was just excited as can be. All my midwife appointments were great, the pregnancy was progressing normally, and I was confident that everything would turn out just fine. Well, it did turn out fine, but not without one big surprise.

 My contractions started on a Monday morning and two hours later I was already in the birthing tub getting ready to push. I was in intense pain. With all my might I pushed that baby out and felt some relief. I looked down into the water and all I saw was legs and a body. Her head was still inside of me. I didn’t know what to think. There had never been any indication throughout my pregnancy that she was breach. “Is she stuck?!” were the only words I could manage to spit out. “No, push,” my midwife told me. So I did. And out she popped. I held my baby girl in my arms. She was perfect. I couldn’t believe she was breach. I couldn’t believe she had come out with such ease. I couldn’t believe this was our story and how blessed we were.

 I used to be afraid of breech birth, but through my own personal experience I learned that it doesn’t have to be scary. Thankfully my midwife knew what she was doing (she had recently completed some training on breach birthing) and didn’t panic. My home birth was the most amazing experience and it taught me that women are incredible and capable of so much.

Kristel is a stay-at-home wife (to Alex) and mom (to Liam and Isabel). She lives in Miami, FL and blogs about faith, family, and fun over at Glowing Light. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Check out more information on breech babies in this post, and read about Felicia's cesarean due to breech here. I hope this series has helped provide some insight into breech presentation and shown that the right environment and a supportive care provider can make the difference in getting the birth you want and deserve!

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